Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29320 - Dental Radiology

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29320 - Dental Radiology
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview






The learning process that is designed for this course is based on the following:

Interactive teaching, eminently practical, encouraging student participation during the lecture.


Workshops oriented to problem solving, case studies, carried out in groups. 


The theoretical knowledge will enable the student assessment of the indications, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications of the different imaging formation techniques, as well as the legal framework for its use. 


The workshops will allow to apply theoretical knowledge for the resolution and interpretation of different practical cases as well as performing the radiographic examinations required in dental practice.

































5.2. Learning tasks








The program that the student is offered to achieve the expected results includes the following activities:



Interactive lectures according to course syllabus.


Bases and mechanisms to obtaining radiological image. Radiation Protection.


Radiological anatomy with integration of the oral cavity and dental structures in the area of ​​head and neck.


Semiotics and odontostomatological radiopathology in different imaging formation techniques.

Dentascan . Diagostic imaging in temporomandibular joint with special reference to the magnetic resonance.



Face workshops with radiological cases (X-ray viewer).



Visit hospitals to display performance of CT, MRI and orthopantomography.



Non-contact activities.



5.3. Syllabus



1 Concept of Diagnostic Imaging. Modalities to obtain diagnostic imaging, historical sketch, development and evolution to the present day.

Bases and mechanisms for obtaining image

2 Concepts and general principles: electromagnetic and ionizing radiation.


3 Conventional Radiology and tomodensitometry. Physical principles, specific features.


4 Ultrasound and MRI. Physical principlesparticularities.


5 Radiological technique, basic principles: Orthopantomography and intraoral radiography.


Radiation protection

7 Integration of the oral cavity and dental structures in the area of ​​head and neck I 

8 Integration the oral cavity and dental structures in the area of ​​head and neck II 

9 Integration of the oral cavity and dental structures in the area of ​​head and neck III


Radiological semiology and Radiopathology


10 Intraoral radiography and orthopantomography. Basic semiology.


11 Intraoral radiography and orthopantomography. Major syndromes.


12 Dentascan. Basic principles.


13 Dentascan. Semiology and radiopathology .


Temporomandibular joint 


14 Anatomical particularities. Diagnostic Imaging: conventional Radiology and tomodensitometry.


15 MRI. Radiological anatomy and semiological criteria.


16 MRI. Major syndromes.
































5.4. Course planning and calendar

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Basic bibliography:


  • Radiología esencial / [directores] J. L. del Cura, S. Pedraza, A. Gayete Buenos Aires ; Madrid : Editorial Médica Panamericana, D.L. 2009
  • Radiología Oral Principios e interpretación. S.C White; M.J Pharoah. Elsevier Science. Nº Edición: 4/2002


  • Complementary bibliography
  • Radiología ortopédica y radiología dental : una guía práctica / coordinadores, Francisco M. Tardáliga Montero, José Luis del Cura RodríguezBuenos Aires ; Madrid : Editorial Médica Panamericana : Sociedad Española de Radilogía Médica, cop. 2005
  • Ros Mendoza L.H., Cañete Celestino E., Velilla Marco O.. Resonancia magnética de la articulación temporomandibular Radiología : Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Radiología y Electrología Médica y de Medicina Nuclear , 2008; 50: 377-385